


$ 33.37

In stock Ref.: 6872184
Antifungal care indicated for treating mild fungal nail infections.

Scholl Antifungal Treatment contains - Antifungal solution Penetrates deep into the nail to eliminate infection from the source - Decreases the pH of the medium, creating an unfavorable environment for the fungus leading to its elimination - Contains urea, glycerin and panthenol, which increase the Nail permeability - Contains agents that moisturize the nail, increasing its flexibility and solution penetration - Creates a protective film on the nail surface, which acts as a physical barrier, preventing infection from spreading and protecting against fungal recurrence. Files 5 Disposable files to gently remove the surface cover of the infected nail, allowing - Decrease fungal load - Improve nail appearance - Increase the absorption capacity of antifungal liquid. By the end of use the nail discoloration will have decreased. After 9-12 months, the average time required for full toenail growth, the nail will have recovered its natural appearance without showing any signs of fungal infection.

Two-Step Treatment Phase 1 Treatment Phase 4 Weeks - Eliminate Nail Fungi Week 1 - Clean the infected nail surface once a week. Throw away the file after use. Apply liquid daily to the infected nail. Wait 5 minutes before putting on socks or shoes or before going to bed. Repeat at weeks 2, 3 and 4 Phase 2 Protection phase 9 months - Prevent infection from spreading and reappearing Apply liquid to the infected nail once a week for 9 months or until discoloration disappears.

Do not reuse the file to avoid the extension of the infection. In case of skin irritation, discontinue use immediately. If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before use. Wash hands after application.